Seasoned to Perfection
Our olive oils and vinegars don’t just come from a supplier, we actually have visited some of their farms in California and have hand selected their products to sell you. We don’t simply purchase from one supplier, we purchase from the people we think do the best job with the flavors that you are looking for to creatively prepare or enhance the great foods you prepare.
Belindora Farms - Lodi , CA. This farm has been owned for generations and while their primary production is great wine, they also have a passion for producing award winning oils & vinegars. Once you’ve tried their garlic olive oil or their honey ginger balsamic, you'll understand why.
New research underscores the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil.
In a time when frightening health information is pervading every aspect of our lives, it's nice to hear a bit of good news. In fact, great news.
A recent presentation of preliminary research at the American Heart Association Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions 2020, revealed that replacing even a minor amount of conventional fats like butter, margarine, or mayonnaise with extra virgin olive oil, was associated with up to a 7% lower risk of coronary artery disease.
Per study author Dr. Frank Hu, "The main thing is to replace unhealthy fats with olive oil and that can improve cholesterol, reduce inflammatory biomarkers and improve cardiovascular health."